How Technology Is Leaving a Lasting Impact on Health
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How Technology Is Leaving a Lasting Impact on Health

How Technology Is Leaving a Lasting Impact on Health With an abundance of internet-connected devices spanning the globe, technology envelops us more than ever. While it greatly aids in maintaining connections, especially vital during the pandemic, it’s fundamental to acknowledge its advantages and the potential health drawbacks. This examination digs into the ramifications of excessive…

India’s Employment Future 2030 & Understanding Sector Trends and Essential Skills
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India’s Employment Future 2030 & Understanding Sector Trends and Essential Skills

India’s Employment Future 2030 & Understanding Sector Trends and Essential Skills India’s job market is changing because the country is now the fastest-growing large economy globally after COVID-19. The young population, with a median age of 28.4 years, is essential for driving economic growth. With a GDP growth rate of 7.8 percent, India might reach…

Can ChatGPT Tackle Your Medical Queries ? Recent Study Reveals this...

Can ChatGPT Tackle Your Medical Queries? Recent Study Reveals this….

Can ChatGPT Tackle Your Medical Queries? Recent Study Reveals this…. Everyone is talking about ChatGPT these days, but can it really answer everything? ChatGPT, created by OpenAI and launched on November 30, 2022, is a chatbot that uses a ‘large language model’ to chat with people about anything they fancy in any way they like. But,…

Could Cloud Seeding Be Linked to Dubai Floods? Expert Opinions Suggest Otherwise

Could Cloud Seeding Be Linked to Dubai Floods? Expert Opinions Suggest Otherwise

Could Cloud Seeding Be Linked to Dubai Floods? Expert Opinions Suggest Otherwise The United Arab Emirates (UAE) experienced extensive flooding on Tuesday due to storms that brought rainfall equal to more than 18 months’ worth in just a brief period. This flooding affected roads and even the international airport situated in the metropolis of Dubai….

How to Deal with Aggression at Workplace: Best ways to handle Aggressive people
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How to Deal with Aggression at Workplace: Best ways to handle Aggressive people

How to Deal with Aggression at Workplace: Best ways to handle Aggressive people In the web of human interactions, the challenge of dealing with aggression is an unavoidable reality. This expansive exploration navigates through delivering a good judgment that relentlessly offers an all-inclusive guide to understanding and effectively managing aggression in various frameworks. This article…

How to Unlock Mental Resilience: Insights from ‘Energize Your Mind’ by Gaur Gopal Das

How to Unlock Mental Resilience: Insights from ‘Energize Your Mind’ by Gaur Gopal Das

How to Unlock Mental Resilience: Insights from ‘Energize Your Mind’ by Gaur Gopal Das In the world of success stories, you’ve probably heard countless times that you can train your mind to achieve remarkable resilience. Let me take you on a journey that reinforces this belief. During my travels to East Asia, I found myself…

The 9 Rules for Lasting Results


HOW TO ACHIEVE DESIRED RESULTS? : 9 RULES FOR LASTING RESULTS We live in a world of instant pleasure, often seeking quick fixes and immediate results. Whether in our personal or professional journeys, the desire for instant success can lead us to disappointment and frustration. The truth is- lasting results require time, effort, and a…

How to Discover Passion in Work ? – A Guide to Become More Passionate at Work

How to Discover Passion in Work ? – A Guide to Become More Passionate at Work

A Guide to Become More Passionate at Work – Discover Passion in Work Are you experiencing a lack of inspiration and motivation at your job? Are you eagerly waiting for the workday to end? It might be an excellent opportunity to rekindle your enthusiasm for your job. Having a genuine passion for your work not…

Why Are Employability Skills Important?
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Why Are Employability Skills Important?

Employability skills are individual traits that enhance your desirability as a potential employee. They are often categorized as “soft skills” or “transferable skills” because they stand apart from your technical expertise and professional background, making them adaptable to virtually any role across various industries. To illustrate, employers seek individuals who exhibit traits such as reliability,…

India Hosts the 2023 G20 Summit in New Delhi- The World Anticipates
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India Hosts the 2023 G20 Summit in New Delhi- The World Anticipates

September 2023 recalls the world’s attention to New Delhi, India, as the city hosted the 2023 G20 Summit, marking India’s debut as the host of this marvelous event. The historical significance of the banner “Vasudhaiv Kutumbukam, or, One Earth, One Family, One Future,” at the summit served as a platform for leaders from the G20…